Sea of Thieves finally launched its new seasonal format today. Season 1, which is now live, brings a handful of unlocks, cosmetics and other goodies for those still playing the pirate simulator. In addition, a major new patch has been released, bringing a number of new changes.
Season 1 of Sea of Thieves will finally see the game evolve into a format that, like many other games on the market, will compete: the E-Pass. This Plunder Pass contains exclusive items that you can’t get otherwise. Apart from this Plunder Pass, however, all players will have access to a completely free pass that will contain 100 levels. Each level brings a new item that you can use in the game.
Perfect sailing weather. The first season has arrived
– Xbox (@Xbox) 28. January 2021
As for new content, Season 1 also adds new events to Sea of Thieves. Instead of relying solely on trials like in the past, these events will give players specific goals to achieve within a month. And as usual, achieving these goals will bring unique rewards.
Finally, in terms of major changes that also took place in Season 1 today, the latest patch for Sea of Thieves has brought a number of bug fixes and gameplay improvements. But one of the most notable additions to this patch is probably the 120Hz support. If you have a monitor that can take advantage of this, Sea of Thieves now supports 120 Hz on Xbox Series X consoles. The upgrade includes a total of 6GB to 8GB, depending on the platform.
Sea of Thieves is available now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. If you want to follow all the events of the first season, you can do so here.
Read the following if you want to read all the release notes for today’s update!
Gameplay improvements
Link to Arena
- To create a more welcoming atmosphere at the entrance to the arena, changes have been made to the way teams can communicate in this mode – you can read more about this in this post on the developer forum.
- In the arena tavern and during active arena play, crosschat and text chat are now restricted, making non-verbal communication the only option for cross-communication.
- Players can always communicate within their team using all available communication options.
Recommended crew size
- When displaying the vessel selection screen, the recommended crew size for the operation of each vessel is now displayed.
Operating mode 120 Hz
- A performance mode supporting 120 Hz to 1080p is available on the Xbox Series X console. Some TVs don’t support 120 Hz and HDR at the same time, so HDR may need to be turned off in the console settings.
Larinna Black Market
- The black market candy tab for gold has been removed and the skull hideout of the Travel Ritual has been moved to the Duplicate Shop.
- Reduce the frequency with which players collide with a large black screen or get stuck when using a siren or returning from the ferries of the damned.
- Skeletons of ships must now suffer hull damage in a fire.
- When hitting heavy glasses in succession, the lock animation should now display correctly when blocking between shots.
- Opening or closing a collectible chest held by another player must now correctly appear as open or closed to the player holding the chest.
- Objects in the collection box can now only be removed when the box is open.
- Blurry objects should no longer hover above the ground when you leave the area and return.
- Frozen Horizon and Night Parrot’s wheels have been changed to make the craft clearer when moving in a straight line.
- The Navy’s cannon missile now has the correct name and description.
Pirate magazine
- The Soulflame boat package now uses the correct price in local currency.
Mysterious clues
- The notes must now be read correctly, even if they are shown to others.
- By moving the mystery note and taking it off the shelf, it should be able to be used as intended.
Upper floors
- The Vault of Totems, acquired during the High Obituary, can no longer be sold to agents of Goldkeepers or Reaper Bones.
- Gold Coast – While exploring the Gold Coast, if another team starts a story, no more medallions will appear in the air in the vault.
- To improve readability, the size of Korean and Chinese characters has been increased in some places and additional punctuation has been added.
- During the Fort Damned meeting, a number of areas where Graymarow can get bogged down in the environment were improved.
- Players should no longer be stuck in the broken staircase after exiting the Gold Merchant’s throne room.
- Players no longer have to fall or look through the environment in Shark Bait Cove.
- Players should no longer be blocked and teleported when trying to climb stairs in a tavern.
- Players no longer have to swim under the map at Plunder Outpost.
Video and audio
- The sound should stop distortion and increase in volume when the player leaves the water or is briefly submerged by a wave.
- When you encounter a ghost ship, the captain of the ghost ship must now use portals to spawn and teleport.
- Sails on skeleton boats and ghost ships now appear consistently in high quality.
- Renewed eye patch for castaways.
- Confusion and Face, Meet the Palms should now have appropriate iconography.
- If you have multiple puzzle quests on the same island, it should no longer result in multiple music triggers.
- When approaching a glowing beacon with a light on, there should be no empty light.
- Posters about islands must now include appropriate iconography of ancient islands and coasts of plenty.
- Purchasing items, trips and titles should no longer flash a black grid on the screen.
Performance and stability
- When attempting to join a disbanded team, players should receive an error message to that effect.
- As long as the Sea of Thieves program is suspended, access to the game should no longer cause instability.
- Improved server performance, reduced in-game latency.
- Improved server stability, reducing downtime while gaming.
Known issues
Short and long range impact detection
- In areas of high activity, players can fire shots or punches that will not damage their target. As we continue to improve our content, this remains a key priority for the team.
Impact of actors after server migration
- We are currently tracking a number of issues for stakeholders that may arise after server migration. These include crews migrating near outposts and entering an area where another vessel is already present, as well as problems related to interaction points between vessels after migration.
Frozen unemployment insurance menus
- When working with the vault and going quickly through the inventory, the status of the vault may not be updated when items are removed. It can also happen that the game options on the screen remain blocked if the player leaves the cannon in this state.
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