As the only telecom service provider in India, Bharti Airtel is the largest company in the country. More than 90% of the population are covered with the company’s 4G network. In the last 3 years alone, the company’s revenues increased from Rs 8,569 crore to Rs 1,58,895 crore. This is because of the revenues from the 4G network, which is network coverage over a certain area. These revenues are also a result of mobile data sales, SMS messages, and the company’s digital offerings.
The term B.D.O. is one that is used in many parts of the world and refers to a development officer of the Ministry of Railways. Essentially, this officer is tasked with developing the railway lines and stations to further the interests of the Ministry of Railways. The most popular position in the country, the B.D.O. is responsible for developing the railway lines and stations in India.
The India’s central government has launched a new initiative to pitch for B.D.O.s to clean India’s urban slums—which are home to around 30 percent of the country’s population—to further development plans for the country.
Finding a job in the public sector is not easy for anyone, especially for officer positions. Many students spend at least two to three years of their lives preparing for state exams. There are many reasons why people seek jobs in the public sector, for example. B. good salary, other benefits and job security, among others. If you are looking for a job in the public sector, one of the most popular options is the B.D.O. [Block Development Officer]. Yes, many people come to this exam every year. This is one of the most popular government jobs in India and it will not be easy for you to pass the exam. You have to pass a series of exams. The B.D.O. vacancy is published in the staff magazine and online if you want to apply. Here are some details about the exams you need to take and how to become a block development officer.
Who is the B.D.O.? [Block Development Officer] ?
A Block Development Officer, or B.D.O.. – is a government official in charge of or responsible for a unit. These blocks are associated with each district and the Block Development Officer is responsible for the planning and development of that district. Within a given block, they are responsible for the overall planning of the region’s development and its implementation. The Block Development Manager is the key person for both the development of the regulations and the growth of the operational wings. You have to do all the development work for this particular device. Let’s be clear: If a bridge or road needs to be built in an area, only the Block Development Officer may handle the permitting process. Almost all of the projects that the neighborhood development officer undertakes are related to community development.
Eligibility criteria
If you are considering applying for the position of block development officer, here are some details about the eligibility requirements for this position. Only if you meet these requirements will you be considered for the job.
- First, you have to remember that you have the 12. You must have completed the first class of an accredited college or university. You can take Grade 12 in the major of your choice – art, business, humanities or science.
- You must have graduated from a recognized college or university in India or have an equivalent degree. This degree can be obtained in any discipline. You don’t have to worry about the terrain. You can get a B.Tech, B.A. B.Com, BBA, B.Sc, B.E. A B.C.A. degree or other university degree will be accepted for the position of Group Development Officer.
In addition to your qualifications, it is also important that you meet the age requirements. If you are applying for the Block Development Officer position, you must be at least 21 years old. The maximum age is 32. However, this applies only to general category candidates. But there is leniency for candidates with reservations. The age limit for candidates with B.C. is 35 years, for candidates with ST/SC it is 37 years and for physically challenged candidates the maximum age is 42 years. So based on this, you need to make sure that you are applying at the right age. Otherwise, you may miss the opportunity to apply for the job. In addition to education and age, you must ensure that you are an Indian citizen to apply for a job. Citizens of Bhutan and Nepal and those who came to India as refugees before 1962 and do not have permanent citizenship can also apply.
Information on entrance exams
The entrance exam is one of the most important exams for you. You need to give yourself enough time to prepare, because this is not just another exam you have to pass. You have to pass a series of exams if you want to become a Block Development Officer. Every state government in India conducts this audit. This examination, conducted by the State Government, is very important in many respects, both for recruitment and transfer purposes. The audit, conducted by the State Utilities Commission, is considered one of the most demanding audits conducted by state governments. The structure and difficulty level is similar to that of the UPSC exam and therefore you need to spend a lot of time preparing for this exam. The Utilities Commission has a dedicated website where all the details of the audit will be available. It contains all the information: Syllabus, exam dates, results, fees and any other information you need to know about the exam before registering. This will make it easier for you to start preparing for and taking the exam. The examination pattern for block development officers is as follows: Preliminary overview: At the preliminary exam you have to take two exams. One is for general studies and the other for civil fitness.
- The general exam requires you to answer 100 questions, each of which is graded on a two-point scale. So it’s a 200 point job in two hours.
- The citizenship test consists of 80 questions, each worth 2.5 points. So it is also a test of 200 points and the duration of this exam is also two hours.
Basic Review: After you have passed the two preliminary exams, you must take the main exam. This is a difficult step because you have to pass eight exams to become a block development officer.
- A test in the language of your choice, which must be taken before 12th grade. The class has learned. It’s a 100-character work and takes three hours to complete.
- The next assignment is an essay, which is also graded at 100 points. The exam lasts three hours.
- The next exam is the General Studies 1 exam with the subjects of geography, society and history. It’s a 250-character test that takes three hours to complete.
- The second examination in General Studies covers Public Administration and International Relations, Constitution of India and Political Science. It’s a 250-character test that takes three hours to complete.
- The subjects of General Studies 3 are Economics, Statistics and Safety Studies, and it is a three-hour exam worth 250 marks.
- The next test is General Study Test 4 and the topics are science and technology, environment, problem solving and decision making. It’s a 250-character test that takes three hours to complete.
- The next exam is optional exam No. 1, for which three hours are allotted. You can choose electives, and we have the full list of electives below for you.
- The next exam is optional exam No. 2, for which three hours are allotted. You can choose electives, and we have the full list of electives below for you.
Personal interview: This will be the final phase, estimated at 150 points. In this test you will have to answer difficult questions. The answer is not important, but what is important is your ability to analyze the situation. At the end of this round, you will be selected for the position of Block Development Officer.
Entrance examination optional subject:
- Agriculture
- Livestock and veterinary services
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil engineering
- Business and accounting
- Economy
- Electrical engineering
- English literature
- Geography
- Hindi literature
- History of India
- Right
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Political science and international relations
- Psychology
- Public administration
- Punjabi literature
- Sociology
- Sanskrit literature
- Zoology
When the results are announced, no account will be taken of any points obtained in the preparatory tests. This is a single level of qualification for the main exam. If you achieve at least 33%, you will be admitted to the main exam. Candidates will be admitted to the personal interview only on the basis of the marks obtained in the main examination. Again, this depends on the category you belong to.
How to register for the B.D.O. [Block Development Officer] exam:
- You must first go to the State Public Utilities Commission website and check to see if the notice is available. It is very important that you read the entire announcement before submitting your application.
- If you have read the notice and meet all the requirements, you must submit an application by completing all the required information. You must have your diplomas from grade 10 and 12. class and upload your photo and signature.
- Once you have submitted all the required documents, you must pay the dues and complete the final step.
- As soon as the date of the exam is announced, you will receive a notification on your registered number or on your e-mail address. You can then download the admit card and take the exam on the specified date.
Billing structure
Since the block development officers will work in each state and in different districts, their salaries will depend on the district in which they usually work. Changes occur from district to district and state to state. The Block Development Officer is also responsible for taxes, employee payroll, and maintaining all of these records. The salary of the Block Development Officer ranges from Rs. 9,300 to Rs. 34,800 as base salary and Rs. 4,800 as salary increment. As this is a government job, as you gain experience, you will be able to benefit from increases in your salary structure and additional opportunities that you can take advantage of. Even if you retire at 60, you are still entitled to a pension. Therefore, you should prepare well for this exam as the difficulty level will be high. But if you start off on the right foot, you can become a block developer in a few tries. Many candidates even passed the exam on their first try. So it all depends on your diligence and the time you take to prepare.Here in India, we have a special post for this year, where people from different corporate organizations are encouraged to apply for a B.D.O [Block Development Officer] post. Each B.D.O. is expected to develop a block (or an area) in their organization, which is divided into 5-10 zones. Each B.D.O. is expected to manage these zones to develop them, so that they can be developed in the future. The B.D.O. is supposed to motivate and guide the employees of these zones, so that they work in a better way, and the organization can expand.. Read more about block development officer exam syllabus and let us know what you think.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the qualification for BDO officer?
The BDO is a newly created rank in the Indian Government that would watch over the development of the country. It is a combination of the old revenue and gram panchayat posts. For the people who are seeking jobs in the BDO service they have to pass out a written test and a personal interview. The written exam is called the BDO Entrance Test which is conducted by the B.D.O. Recruitment Cell in Delhi itself. After the written test, the admission is done for the candidates by the BDO Recruitment Cell through the personal interview. The term B.D.O. (Block Development Officer) was coined by the Government of India, for the purpose of uplift of country’s backward sections and groups.
Which exam is for BDO officer?
The Block Development Officer (BDO) is a post that has recently become very popular in the construction industry in India. His or her responsibility is that of developing the blocks of a particular area in an efficient manner and ensuring that the blocks are being utilized properly. If you are interested in learning more about this lucrative job and getting your foot in the BDO door, keep reading. The Bharat Drayotsav Organisation (B.D.O.) is one of the oldest and largest banks in the country. The bank is dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship and financial inclusion. The bank is currently in the process of conducting exams for the recruitment of Block Development Officers (BDO) for various branches in India. The examination is conducted by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) in collaboration with State Bank of India.
What is BDO officer salary?
The BDO is a civil service, temporary, high-paying government job, not in the Indian bureaucracy. It has many similarities to a civil service job in the Indian bureaucracy. The BDO (Block Development Officer) job is aimed at those who have a strong academic background and want to serve the country in a more directly-related manner. To achieve this goal, the BDO is called upon to carry out the major tasks of monitoring and development of the country’s infrastructure block by block. Thus, the BDO is a block-level engineer. Become a Block Development Officer job in India is not a simple task. It requires a good caliber of knowledge and good communication skills. BDOs are the heads of block development in a particular district and are responsible for developing a new or existing village/block/urban area into a scheduled area and for the development of infrastructure, amenities, health facilities and educational institutions in the particular area.
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