The adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand for CBS All Access continues this week with the third episode of Blank Page, which introduces even more characters into a story about good and evil in a world ravaged by a devastating pandemic. One of these characters is Glen Bateman, a cheerful misanthropist who dances on the grave of the post-pandemic world and eventually plays quite a role. He is a very intellectual character with his own philosophy, and for Greg Kinnear, who plays Glenn in the filming, it is as if he plays King himself.
I read the book when I was in high school. And it’s a very, very, very long book. In fact, if you want to feel good about pandemics, read Stephen King’s Position, and it will give you a whole new perspective on pandemics, because that’s where the pandemic atomic bomb happens, Kinnear told me recently. And finally, we focus on some characters who have gone against the idea of rebuilding society, and I think in the end it’s a struggle and a struggle of good against evil for everyone.
Keener went on, and I loved that Glenn read the book. I think it’s some kind of Stephen King’s voice, in a weird way. I lead King. He’s got some kind of banjo plan, you know, an austerity philosophy for him, for this guy. I didn’t know what he was talking about as a writer, but I liked that he took everything lightly. At the top of the poster you will find the show that has already been given to the community, which is a dominant position. Everyone’s struggling with what they’ve lost, and here’s a man who’s already a little angry. So I guess it’s more of a journey, not to go back to where we were, but just to explore. It’s a sociological study for him, and I think his eyes are open. And he learns slowly and enjoys the journey as much as possible.
Kinnear also stated that he believes The Stand is a story that has stood the test of time and is still popular and relevant today.
I don’t think there’s an honest Stephen King story that isn’t great in terms of plot and film support, Keener said. I mean, he tells good stories, a lot of them high-concept, sometimes very high-concept. But like I said, I think his strength lies in the characters. You know, in the end you either live or die, depending on whether or not you believe the people who deal with each other in these stories, and I think of the success of Stand, which really stood the test of time. It is still read with great regularity by the younger generation, year after year. It’s the characters and what they are, what they’re looking for, what they’re afraid of, what they want to defend. These topics are available. People have been talking about it since Shakespeare’s time. I mean, he’s a great storyteller, but he’s always true to his character.
The first two episodes of De Tribune will now be broadcasted on CBS All Access. New episodes appear every Thursday.
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