How video games saved the world from lockdown – Reader’s Feature

How video games saved the world from lockdown – Reader’s Feature

The truth is that video games, among many other sources, have contributed to the social and political upheavals in the Arab world in the past few months. The recent demonstrations were the result of a series of protests that started in Tunisia, the first to emerge after a revolution there in 2011.

The world is divided into two distinct groups: those who play video games and those who don’t. Whatever your opinion on the subject, it’s difficult to ignore the cultural power of the gaming industry. From the Pokemon craze of the late 80s to the success of games like Battlefield and Call of Duty, video games have a history of influencing popular culture. And now, gamers are more engaged than ever before.

There is something that keeps us humans from being completely unproductive: video games. Games are a way to escape from our everyday life, but they also have an important function in our society: they can help us think. While many games have been “strictly” designed for entertainment purposes, others have been created to help people learn and develop our skill sets.. Read more about can you save the world game online and let us know what you think.word-image-2393 Thank God for video games. A reader celebrates the end of the lockdown and describes how video games helped the world deal with the terror and boredom caused by the coronavirus. When the pandemic forced much of society to stay home last year, the video game industry faced an inevitable surge in sales, as many people left the relative comfort of their consoles to head to the fantasy worlds of the Internet. This week, thousands of strangers from around the world simultaneously watched the latest live game trailers during broadcast events like State of Play. They anxiously awaited the latest news from the safety of their living rooms, waiting for the distraction of a pandemic on their doorstep. Thousands of people sat collectively for the stunning graphics and mechanical monsters of Horizon Forbidden West, while others passionately watched the fast-paced parkour broadcasts of Dying Light 2 on Twitch : Stay human. While last year’s coronavirus emphasized government-enforced social distancing, video games have given us a way to distract and sometimes frustrate ourselves. Whenever the social calendar was disrupted, we would put on headphones and go online to chat on forums, connect with friends or just feel a sense of community. The wonderful world of video games has become a haven where there used to be only four walls, the occasional buzz and Netflix with the immediate family. If you doubt it, a treasure hunt in the wilderness, a fight against zombie hordes or an adventure at sea can take you away from the real world, even if it’s only for a few hours. This is an unintended symptom of the pandemic as we all spend more time indoors and discover new hobbies. Many industries have struggled during the global crisis, including the multimedia sector, but recent trailers of games show the perseverance of game studios who continue to work hard behind the scenes despite the obvious challenges. Techland, the company that developed Dying Light 2: Stay Human even presented their game with some irony, saying that they, like the rest of the world, encountered unforeseen difficulties in completing their viral apocalypse and parkour game, which was delayed by an actual viral pandemic. Of course, lately, life seems to imitate art: Masks and disinfectant in our warehouses and avoid the public – like zombies coming to the local supermarket. After a difficult year, marked by ever-changing rules, limited social interaction and increasing loneliness, video games are a bright beacon in a dark world. While games were once a pastime for minorities, they are now thriving in mainstream culture with recognizable and popular characters like Sonic the Hedgehog and Spider-Man. While social gatherings at the pub now require careful planning, online friendships have provided much needed support and an element of escapism during adventures in endless digital places. Given recent research from Oxford University showing that video games can have a positive effect on mental health, it’s no wonder so many people are resorting to technology during the current pandemic. With modern consoles able to offer such realistic graphics and immersive design, it truly feels like you are transported to another era when playing video games. And when the real world changes beyond recognition, a little escape is just what the doctor needs. Reader Nikki Zavada A reader’s statement does not necessarily reflect the opinion of GameCentral or Metro. You can always send in your own 500-600 word letter to the editor, which if used appropriately will be published next weekend. As always, you can send an email to [email protected] and follow us on Twitter. According to a new study, online games help kids isolate themselves, even if their parents think so. TOTALS: 6 cooperative video games that will help you survive a lockdown, part 1 – READ MORE PLUS: 6 cooperative video games that will help you survive a lockdown, part 2 – Letters to the Editor Follow Metro Gaming on Twitter and email us at [email protected]. You can find more stories like this on our games page. word-image-962The world is always full of crazy, unexpected things, but we have to remember that it’s always been like this. Our ancestors lived in a world where it was as likely for a man to be killed by a bear as to kill a bear. Then, we started to hunt the bear. It’s only in the past few centuries that we’ve been able to control the animals, and we still aren’t perfect. That’s one of the reasons why I love video games, and why I decided to devote an entire week to them in the run-up to this year’s annual video game week.. Read more about coronavirus game online free and let us know what you think.

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