How to Move Your Relative into a Care Home

How to Move Your Relative into a Care Home

The decision to move a loved one into a care home most likely wasn’t easy. However, you might feel you have no other choice but to ensure your relative receives the care and attention they need 24 hours per day.

While the moving process might not feel easy, you’ll be happy to learn there are actions you can make to make the process feel much smoother for your loved one and family. Read the following advice on how to move your relative into a care home.

Discuss the Subject with Your Loved Ones

Talking to your loved ones about moving a relative into a care home is the first step you must take. It is essential everyone is on board with the decision to prevent arguments and make the process much smoother for your relative.

Gather your family members to discuss a relative’s daily challenges and future care needs. Once everyone is happy to move forward, you can focus on finding the perfect facility for your relative.

Pick a Luxury Care Home for a Smooth Transition

A well-designed, cozy, and atmospheric care home will help make the transition easier for a parent, grandparent, or another family member. However, every care home is different, and you must set time aside to visit the various options to make an informed choice.

For example, if you’re looking for a luxury Signature Care Homes, you’ll be happy to learn you can move your loved one into a premium facility that provides attractive, comfortable suites, an experienced nursing team, and outstanding dining options, and fun onsite activities. It will provide peace of mind that your relative is safe, happy, and comfortable each day.

Discuss the Move with Your Relative

If you believe a care home is the best option for a relative’s needs, you must discuss it with them at the right moment. While it might be a difficult conversation to start, you must involve them in the process as much as possible to help them feel in control. You’ll need to discuss why you believe a care home is the best option for their needs and its many benefits, such as companionship, peace of mind, and stimulating activities.

Bring Various Home Comforts

Home comforts will help a loved one personalize their space and feel more at home at the facility. Once your relative arrives at a care home, place their photo frames, keepsakes, and decorative accents on a windowsill, bedside table, or mantelpiece to create a more familiar space. Also, play their favorite music, place their much-loved throw over their new bed, or bring their armchair to make them feel at home.

Stay in Touch

It is crucial to visit and contact your relative regularly to stop them from feeling alone or isolated. It will ensure they don’t feel abandoned by their family and encourage them to embrace their brand-new environment. If you can’t visit, provide them with a mobile phone or tablet computer to make video calls to each other, which the care home staff will be more than happy to assist them with if needed.

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