The Swalwell Timeline – WSJ

The Swalwell Timeline – WSJ

, representative Eric Swalwell (D.C., California) on Capitol Hill in Washington in June.


Anna Moneymaker/Zuma Press

Journalist Eric Swalwell

(D., California) wouldn’t talk much about his relationship with the alleged spy of the Chinese Communist Party, referring to the need to protect classified information. But both the honor. member and the president

Nancy Pelosi.

(D., California) should explain to the public the remarkable series of events that occurred when Mr. Swalwell became a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Congressman Swalwell continues to hide behind confidential information, but nothing about his fundraising practices or his public life is confidential, said Senator Swalwell. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) tells Fox News.

In the House of Representatives, many Republicans want more than just a statement, by writing a letter to the president on Tuesday:

We are writing to you today to express our concern that Congressman Eric Swalwell may have had close contacts with a spy in the Chinese Communist Party, as recently reported by Axios. In view of Mr Swalwell’s position in the standing parliamentary intelligence committee, his close links with the Chinese intelligence services, even if unintentional, constitute an unacceptable risk to national security. The HSCI handles the most sensitive information available to our government – information essential to our national defence. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you remove Congressman Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee immediately.

According to Axios’ story, the alleged agent known as Fang Fang or Christine Fang placed an intern in MP Swalwell’s office during these interactions and also helped raise money for his re-election campaign in 2014. Axios said the FBI held a defensive briefing for Mr. Swalwell around 2015 to warn him of the threat.

Since Axios unveiled the story, one of the few revelations Mr. Swalwell was willing to make in an interview with Jim Sciutto of CNN when legislators clarified the timeline. Mr. Sciutto asked the congressman if he was worried about the woman before he got a defense briefing from the FBI. Representative Swalwell answered:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Jim, I was shocked to hear about this man just over six years ago. And then I offered my help, and I helped, and the FBI thanked me for my help, and that man is no longer in the country.

If Mr. Swalwell’s story is true, he was told at the end of 2014 or before that he was unconsciously involved with a communist spy. If that’s true, how do you explain what happened in Congress?

The 14th. In January 2015, Pelosi, the then majority leader, announced that Congressman Swalwell would become a member of the House Intelligence Committee. Mrs. Pelosi probably knew he had little experience in a very sensitive position. Swelwell MP’s decisive leadership and his energetic and fresh perspective will help our country meet the challenges of national security and intelligence of the 21st century. She said it was time to master the challenges of the 21st century.

Back in California, the local press noted that Swalwell, 34 years old, had committed a real coup. Carla Marinucci reported in the San Francisco Chronicle that the congressman was appointed to a key position on the House Intelligence Committee.

And he didn’t just get a seat on the committee. A next press release from his office was announced:

The U.S. representative, Eric Swalwell (CA-15), was elected today as the most important Democrat on the Subcommittee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Intelligence Committee. This newly created subcommittee is responsible for monitoring the CIA, its policies, activities and budget.

A few weeks or months after the FBI told him he had been cheated in a relationship with a Communist spy, did the young congressman gain a major role in CIA surveillance?

Mr Swalwell and the President should explain who was aware of the Chinese infiltration of his political network and when and why many colleagues in the Intelligence Commission were unaware, among other things.

They should also pay attention to the process that led Congressman Swalwell to play a leading role among Democrats in overseeing the CIA. Who were the people defending the young congressman when Mrs. Pelosi was about to divide the tasks of the committees? And don’t tell us it’s confidential.


A fighter for freedom and good feelings.

James R. Hagerty is writing an obituary for Justice Ralph Winter of the Federal Court of Appeal:

M. Winter was employed by Thurgood Marshall, a future Supreme Court, when he went to the Second Circuit Court of Appeal in 1961…. in 1961. Two men tied up. As the family’s chosen speaker at Justice Marshall’s funeral in 1993, Justice Winter said his former boss was an unshakeable force for justice, an unshakeable object against injustice, and a warm and kind man. Mr. Winter attended Yale Law School in 1962 and remained a full-time member of the faculty until he joined the Court of Appeal in 1982. Especially during the student uprisings of the late 1960s and early 1970s it could be an attempt to be a conservative at Yale. I am called a fascist because I believe in a small government, he said in an oral history at Yale Law School in 2017, which shows a lack of understanding on my part or a lack of understanding of fascism. In the 1970s he resorted to the conventional wisdom of business management. At the time, the consumer advocate

Ralph Nader

has called for public procurement by large companies. William L. Carey, former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, has advocated federal minimum standards. Delaware has taken over the lion’s share of the legal costs associated with the granting of the legal personality. Mr Carey wrote an article in 1974 in which he noted that the state had led the race to the bottom in terms of legal standards. He said the states have passed laws that give power to executives and reduce shareholders’ management rights to a thin layer of pulp. In a 1977 article addressed to Mr. Carey and Mr. Nader, Mr. Winter stressed that government regulation is generally preferable to federal regulation. Interstate competition has reduced regulation, he said, but in a way that has benefited shareholders by reducing compliance costs and making companies more profitable. Only by ignoring the cost element of the cost-benefit decision can it be assumed that negligence is always detrimental to shareholders, which supports the conclusion that competition between states for chartering has worked to their disadvantage, he wrote.

Mr. Winter’s argument prevailed, and American workers and investors can be eternally grateful.


This column has been corrected. An earlier version of Nancy Pelosi’s name was used at the 114th Congress. Congress has made false statements.


Mr. Freeman is Price’s co-author: Trump, China and the American Renaissance.


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