Because surgical isolation of people with COVID-19 can reduce transmission in the home, people who think they have COVID-19 should be isolated, stay at home and, if possible, use a separate bedroom and bathroom, writes a CDC-led research team.
In addition, all family members must wear masks in common areas at all times, according to the team.
The study, which is part of an ongoing process supported by the CDC, followed 101 people who were first infected with the Covid 19 virus between April and September, initially in Nashville, Tennessee, and Marshfield, Wisconsin.
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Together with the 191 people who lived at home, the infected people were trained to take their own samples every day for 14 days – only nasal swabs or saliva samples. In addition, each person has filled in a symptom diary.
The infection is spreading rapidly: More than half (53%) of the people (53%) who lived with a person fighting Covid-19 were infected within a week, according to the researchers’ findings. About 75% of these secondary infections occurred within 5 days after the first symptoms in the first patient.
According to the researchers, there was a significant transfer whether the patient with the index finger was an adult or a child.
According to the study, 53% of domestic infections are higher than previously documented. So far, the infection rate is only between 20 and 40%, depending on the relevant studies.
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An important finding of this study is that less than half of household members with a confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection report symptoms at the time of initial detection of the infection, the authors write.
Many did not report the symptoms within 7 days of observation, indicating the possibility of transmission via asymptomatic secondary contacts and the importance of quarantine.
Insulate yourself or someone close to you
It can be difficult to be isolated from other family members, especially if you are in a confined space or have children at home.
If you have someone at home who is older or has a weakened immune system, you can isolate them unilaterally so that children and others are not constantly present, said pediatrician Dr. Tanya Altmann, editor of the American Academy of Pediatrics book Taking Care of Your Baby and Little Child : From birth to 5 years and wonderful years, in a preliminary interview.
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If it’s a child you have to take care of, you may have to decide to isolate an adult with the child, she added. This adult takes care of the child and another adult is responsible for the rest of the family.
And, of course, all this will be extremely difficult for a single parent, who may be the only one, said pediatrician Dr. Jenny Radeski, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, in an introductory interview.
Know who your neighbors are and even what kind of social networks you have in your neighborhood, said Radeski, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Michigan. They may not be that close, but someone might be willing to drop off the drugs or pick them up at the supermarket because we’re all in the same boat.
The rest of the family should also practice in seclusion, Radeski added.
Unfortunately, she says, the whole family must be kept in seclusion. Kovid-19 diffusion models suggest that groups of people living close together are at greatest risk of infecting each other. If the children are part of this household, they can have minimal symptoms, but still be contagious.
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If you live alone, it is your job to monitor your symptoms and take care of yourself if you don’t feel well. Make sure you have a plan to bring home food and medicine and find someone who can keep an eye on you almost regularly.
Go shopping or ask your loved ones to provide your room with all the necessary entertainment: TV, computers, iPad, books and even games that can be played via FaceTime or Skype.
Performance checklist
You can order online or ask your friends and family to provide you with the basic equipment:
- A working thermometer to check for a fever that is considered 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius) and a method to clean it, such as isopropyl alcohol.
- medicines against fever such as paracetamol
- Box with disposable rubber or latex gloves and face masks.
- A 60 or 90 day supply of essential prescription drugs.
- Normal soap and hand cleansers based on 70% alcohol (if you wash well, you don’t need antibacterial soap and therefore don’t contribute to the growth of antibiotic-resistant super salts in the world).
- Fabrics to cover sneezing and coughing. But it’s not really necessary to keep toilet paper – it’s a respiratory disease…
- Frequently used cleaning products, kitchen cleaning gloves and garbage bags.
- Disinfectant Cleaner – The CDC provides a list from which you can choose that meets the virus control standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, but also states that you can make your own version using 1/3 cup of unused bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons of bleach per gallon of water. Never mix bleach with ammonia or any other detergent as this will release toxic gases.
Coverage and disinfection
When you are ill, the CDC advises you to wear a face mask in the presence of others, for example when you go to the doctor or hospital.
Try to keep him at home if you or someone close to you has no respiratory problems or is unconscious, unable or otherwise unable to remove his mask without help, the CDC says.
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Maximize the insulation and the protective effect, says Altmann.
You can ask a healthy person to leave the patient at the door and then wash his hands, Altmann explains. Put on gloves to pick up the empty plates, take them to the kitchen and wash them in warm water with soap or, preferably, in the dishwasher and wash your hands again.
Do not share glasses, cups, forks or other utensils, the CDC says. Do not share towels or bed linen with other people in your apartment. Do not shake the patient’s dirty clothes when washing to minimize the chance of the virus spreading in the air.
And caregivers should wear disposable gloves when working with these dirty laundry, the CDC says, and throw them away after each use.
If reusable gloves are used, they must be designed to clean and disinfect Covid-19 surfaces and must not be used for other household purposes. The CDC recommends washing hands immediately after taking off the gloves.
Have a lined trash can for any tissues or other paper or disposable products used by a sick person, the CDC says, adding that nurses must use gloves to remove, handle and dispose of garbage bags. Wash your hands after handling or disposing of waste.
And don’t forget: Call 911 immediately if you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms: increased or sudden difficulty or shortness of breath; persistent chest pain or pressure; signs of lack of oxygen, such as renewed confusion, bluish lips or face, or if you are unable to wake a sick person.
Although these are important danger signs, the list is not exhaustive, said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association, so call if you’re worried.
If your symptoms don’t improve or worsen, you should call your health care provider, the emergency room or the emergency room, Harris said. And if you’re in severe respiratory distress, call 911 immediately.
Protecting everyone else from disease
Just so we’re clear: After a positive diagnosis of Covida-19, everyone in the house should be isolated from the outside world as much as possible.
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I recommend that families make friends who distribute basic food or medicine, who don’t go to work and who can’t play with other children – not even on the street, Radeski says.
If you don’t have friends to bring you groceries or supplies, see if local stores can provide you with items – I’m sure they appreciate the absence of potential Covid 19 exposure in their stores, she added.
If a symptom-free family member thinks it’s absolutely necessary to go outside to a grocery store or pharmacy, or to keep an eye on a family member, remember that you can be contagious and anything you touch can transmit the virus – even without symptoms.
I urge people not to do that, Radeski said. We will defeat this virus by reducing the number of transmissions of the virus from each infected person to another. So, the more you do to stop the virus at an early stage – in other words, your family won’t pass it on to others and you won’t bring it to your workplace or local company – the sooner we’ll be done with it!
To limit the spread of the virus in your home, if the weather permits, try to maintain air circulation in the rest of the house with windows or doors open with umbrellas. You can also equip your house with air filters.
Improved ventilation helps eliminate airborne droplets, said CDC.
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Everyone should wash their hands at every opportunity. Clean and disinfect all common surfaces – don’t forget the handles of your fridge and microwave!
Make sure everyone works as little as possible without stress – which is certainly a challenge – and concentrate on healthy eating, regular exercise and a good night’s sleep.
Although there is no evidence that pets can give or receive Covid-19, the CDC proposes to keep animals away from sick people.
Because animals can transmit other diseases to humans, it’s always a good idea to develop healthy habits when dealing with pets and other animals, the CDC says. If you have to take care of your pet or if you have to be with your pet during illness, wash your hands before and after handling pets.
When will your isolation at home be over?
If you have had a positive test but no symptoms, you can stop isolating yourself at home 10 days after a positive test, the CDC says.
For those who have symptoms, the CDC says you can be there for others if… :
- It’s been 10 days or more since the symptoms appeared.
- And you’ve been without a fever for 24 hours, without medication to lower your temperature.
- And other symptoms of Covid-19 are improving.
A limited number of people with a serious disease can reproduce a competing virus within 10 days, which may require prolonged isolation and precautions up to 20 days after symptoms begin, CDC said. We should consider consulting infection control specialists, the agency says.
The loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or even months after recovery, the CDC notes, but that does not mean that you should remain isolated.
However, if your immune system is severely weakened or if you have had more serious problems with Covid-19 – such as hospitalization and oxygen requirements – the rules change according to the CDC :
Your caregiver may recommend that you remain in isolation for more than 10 days (possibly up to 20 days) after the first onset of symptoms, according to the CDC.
People with severe immunodeficiency may need to be tested to determine when they can be in the presence of others. Please contact your healthcare provider for more information.
These are terrible times, but I hope these tips will help you reduce your fears and prepare you and your family for the worst while you hope and seek the best.
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