Games Inbox: Will Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 be at E3 2021?

Games Inbox: Will Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 be at E3 2021?
Games Inbox: Will Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 be at E3 2021?

The Zelda game series is one of the most famous franchises in the world, and the series has always been kind of a “gateway drug” to Nintendo for many people. The success of Breath of the Wild has only encouraged Nintendo to continue to push the Zelda IP, so they’re releasing a remake of the original game in this generation, which was set for a 2017 release, and then a two-year gap until the release of Breath of the Wild 2.

The Nintendo Switch is currently Nintendo’s only home console, but that is just the beginning. More than a year ago, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima said the company would “continue to develop new hardware and new software beyond the current hardware” and that “various possibilities will be considered”. In an interview at E3 last week, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that they are planning to unveil a new hardware device at E3 next year.

Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 – will it be present at E3? (Photo: Nintendo) The Thursday Inbox isn’t convinced by Sony’s cross-gen policy for PS4 and PS5 games, and one reader complains about CD Projekt’s map-making skills. To participate in the discussion yourself, please email [email protected]. This is so Nintendo So either all the leaks are fake and the Switch Pro doesn’t exist, or Nintendo keeps pretending it doesn’t exist until they admit it does? I know it’s just their behavior, but I don’t remember it being so strange when everyone thought he knew something and Nintendo didn’t flinch. Why do I get the feeling they’re not going to announce the Switch Pro? I don’t think they do, because of storage issues or just because of ….. Perversion. There was no story with Netflix’s Zelda series when they cancelled everything because Netflix leaked it and they were pissed. It’s an extreme reaction that probably hurt Nintendo more than Netflix, but they did it anyway. We’ll see, but I’m sure Breath Of The Wild 2 will be shown at E3. If the Switch Pro doesn’t come out, Nintendo will know it has to do a lot to impress people, and the new Zelda is the best way to do that. I’m thinking of this, Donkey Kong and Bayonetta 3. Good composition, but not massive enough to be great. We’ll see if I’m right in a week on Tuesday! The king of coca. Early Buyer On how and why Sony can produce twice as many units as Xbox, I saw a report on Eurogamer even before the consoles were fully announced, explaining the expected delay in production. At the time, a shortage of semiconductors was already looming – though not as severe as today – and the general tenor of the article was that this was going to be a big problem for both companies. He predicted bottlenecks for both consoles as production lines were filled with all sorts of other products, a Corona virus-related production freeze slowed all production worldwide, and chip production also declined. The biggest problem for Microsoft, however, was the fact that both consoles used components from the same manufacturers, and Sony was not only slightly ahead, but could take much larger orders than Microsoft because of much higher projected sales. Previous generation sales figures also played an important role in choosing the first candidate and the length of the process, with a company that sold 100 million or more units having more leeway than one that sold 30 million units. My personal opinion is that I think it’s ridiculous to release a console and not have a single decent exclusive six months after launch. I own both cars, but I spend most of my time with the PlayStation 5 for that simple reason. Matt Road to Nowhere Has anyone seen the new road map for Cyberpunk 2077? What a mess it’s become. The departure of creative directors, a huge lawsuit and a huge drop in profits. Perhaps all of these recent delays are a direct result of the state of Cyberpunk 2077’s release. I’ll be glad when games like this don’t come out anymore and we have quality, finished games that don’t need endless patches. Cheech762 (Gamertag) GC: We can only assume that CD Projekt is very bad at finding its way around the site. word-image-8832 This is not a map (Illustration: CD Projekt) Please send your comments by e-mail to: [email protected] Actually, I didn’t tell Ultimate that the quest mode of Virtua Fighter 5 is DLC, just cosmetic stuff. But since it was in the same paragraph, I understand where the confusion is coming from. I can’t say the DLC is a good value either. It’s mostly stuff from the old game. Which is about 10 years old. Sure, sell new stuff, but don’t remove what you had to sell as add-ons. There was still something in the game that was unnecessary. Constant transfer of games from other players in the main menu. I haven’t found a way to turn it off. Plus, the game itself made the PlayStation 4’s fan spin so hard that I’m surprised it didn’t fly off the shelf. Anyway, it’s a good day, and there’s always something to do. Handsome Dan Wolfhead GC: You’re absolutely right that the lack of content is disappointing, but we think PS Plus and the niche nature of the franchise justifies it. However, we would have preferred the real ultimate edition. Skies Of Arcadia: Movie I know it’s been over a minute since it appeared on Netflix, but has anyone seen Shadow and Bone? I think this is Netflix’s most serious attempt to repeat the success of Game of Thrones. Although the existence of streaming services like Netflix has made it impossible to replicate a success of this magnitude. Well, personally, I liked it. It was the shadowy characters that fascinated the most, like the nightclub owner Kaz and his crew. Why am I talking about this? Does anyone else see striking similarities to Skies Of Arcadia? There is a huge wall of black smoke covering the entire border of the land, very similar to the Dark Rift of Arcadia. In Shadow and Bone, it is not so impenetrable and is the result of a man-made disaster rather than a natural one. The villain even looks a lot like Lord Galchian! PMR GC: Okay, but are there flying pirate ships? A persistent shortage of Given all the speculation (which is getting more and more concrete) about the Switch Pro, I’ve been wondering what GC thinks about demand for the console – specifically, should we be thinking about whether it will lead to the same kind of stock shortages and order frustration that marred the launches of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X for many people? I know there are so many variables as to how many systems Nintendo can produce, how much they cost, and what games can come out. But while the Switch Pro should be really exciting, right now I’m gripped by a sense of dread that we might be repeating the situation with Sony and Microsoft. Do you instinctively think this will be more like the launch of a new console (i.e. the initial difficulty in purchasing) or previous updates, where the demand is there, but not so great that it outstrips supply? Need for a mouse91 GC: We consider it likely that the situation with the next generation will be very similar to the current situation. Given yesterday’s announcement, the chances of them not announcing it this month because they can’t do it in time have increased. Agnostic Country The Sony man trying to defend his Japanese track record by talking about Gran Turismo is completely missing the point, and he knows it. There are no more Japanese in Gran Turismo than there are Americans in Forza Motorsport or French in Microsoft Flight Simulator. They’re sims, they don’t have backstories, personalities, or anything that defines the country of origin (it’s not a subplot, it’s just that). People want more Japanese games because they are very different from Western games. I’m afraid Sony wants to exclude them for the same reason. Finnegan

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All Gen I really don’t understand what Sony is doing with all these cross-gen games. If the company didn’t want to abandon the PlayStation 4, why did they release the PlayStation 5? Not that it couldn’t use a delay to build up stock and develop better games. But now almost everything in the first year (two years?) is limited by the latest generation of technology. Everyone laughed at Microsoft when they said there wouldn’t be any exclusive titles for the Xbox Series X for the first two years (they didn’t know it wasn’t about exclusives across the board!), but for some reason Sony decided to follow suit when everyone initially praised them for their opposite approach. And then Sony abandons Japanese development, as if to literally turn into Microsoft, when their approach has always been more successful. I don’t get it. The one thing everyone agrees on is that they should have copied Game Pass, and that’s the one thing they clearly don’t want to get into. I wish I could understand what Sony is trying to accomplish at this point, because it all seems very random. I know the PlayStation 5 is selling out and all, but I wonder what will happen when both consoles are readily available and the Xbox has some decent exclusive titles. Taylor Moon. Arrival of the without a doubt. Once the coronavirus is over and construction is complete, I will be visiting the Nintendo Museum. With Super Mario World, this is the perfect excuse to return to Japan! Olaye The news that Battlefield will be announced this Thursday (June 3) worried me, until I saw the trailer you added to the article, which says the announcement will be on the 9th. The month of June will take place. All I can say is that you should be happy that I don’t have Nintendo’s legal team. Wallace GC: We’re very sorry. There’s a reason we mixed up the dates, but… we can’t tell you. This Week’s Hot Topic E3 kicks off next weekend, so in this week’s Hot Topic we ask the obvious question: What do you hope and expect from these announcements? Hope and expectation are probably two very different things, especially this year, but what do you think will be first revealed or detailed at E3? What would you most like to see and why? What major announcements are you planning in terms of new devices, management team, new services or price cuts? Please send your comments by e-mail to: [email protected] Small font New inbox updates appear daily in the morning and special inboxes for hot topics on weekends. Letters to the editor are valued and can be edited for length and content. You may also submit your own 500-600 word letter to the editor at any time, which, if used, will appear on the next available weekend. You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter. MORE: Upcoming games : Revealing hopes for Battlefield 6, Zelda: Predictions for Breath Of The Wild 2 and DLC for Virtua Fighter 5 MORE games coming soon: Hopes for Sony’s E3 2021 conference, leaks of Nintendo games and announcements of Mass Effect 4. MORE games coming soon: Scarlet in Horizon Forbidden West, Days Gone 2 Demand and The Last Of Us Part 2 Moral. Follow Metro Gaming on Twitter and email us at [email protected]. You can find more stories like this on our games page. word-image-3029

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Nintendo at E3 2021?

The E3 hype train is revving up! With E3 2019 just around the corner, last year’s Nintendo Direct wrapped up with a massive announcement: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild “2”. For the first time ever, Nintendo will be holding an event on June 11th at E3, where it’s expected to release details about the sequel for one of its most popular games. Nintendo has had a long standing relationship with E3; their big conferences in the US are held alongside the trade show, where one can see all of their upcoming titles. In 2019, the Japanese game-maker had a very successful show, with the help of the Nintendo Switch Lite handheld. Nintendo is planning to host another big E3 conference in 2021, and it will be held in Tokyo. It is at this show where they are likely to debut new details about the Nintendo Switch 2.0, release dates for new titles, and much more.

What day is Nintendo E3 2021?

Nintendo is a bit of an enigma, and one of the most mysterious companies around. Although the original NES and Game Boy paved the way for Nintendo’s dominance, its future was uncertain after the release of the Wii U. However, this time last year, things were looking very bright for the Big N. Not only did they launch their latest console, the Switch, but they announced they would hold their annual E3 conference on the same day as the rest of the industry (which has become a holiday tradition for gamers). And now, not only is the date up in the air, but it may be in a city of its own. This year, Nintendo hosted an event in April to announce its lineup of games for the coming year, but the company has not announced any plans for its E3 conference in June. This suggests that we might not see a Nintendo Direct in 2019, and if that’s true then it’s either a coincidence or Nintendo’s not planning on holding a big event in June. That said, it’s possible Nintendo will have a big presence at E3 in 2020, what with the launch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s now-annual event.

Is BoTW 2 Cancelled?

Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is supposedly in development as of January 2019, and while we don’t have any news on the game itself, we do know that Nintendo is planning to make a big announcement at E3 2019. This makes sense, since the company will be trying to show gamers they are putting the franchise in high gear, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 would be a great place to start. One of the things I enjoy the most about the Zelda series isn’t the game, but the fact that the Zelda series never, ever, ever dies with a new console release. As an example, after the release of the Wii U, there was the announcement that Zelda Wii U would be releasing in 2016, followed by the reveal that the 3DS version would also be happening in 2016. Everyone (including me) thought this meant you’d be getting a brand new game to play, but as it turned out, you were getting the same exact game but with a new Nintendo logo on it. And this was the exact same thing that happened with the Wii U version of the game, and the 3DS version of the game, and the NX version


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