More colors, less pants. More food parcels, less manicure.
The Covid 19 pandemic changed our lives and our consumption habits. Americans stay at home more often, travel less, and engage differently. The Wall Street Journal analyzed credit card data from Earnest Research to understand and document changes in grocery, apparel and leisure purchases over the past year.
Change in expenditure compared with the previous year
The change for the week ending on the 2nd. The month of December ended:
Clothing and
Components -21%.
Travel and…
Transport -54% – Transport
Events and.
Attractions -72
Change in expenditure compared with the previous year
The change for the week ending on the 2nd. The month of December ended:
Clothing and
Components -21%.
Travel and…
Transport -54% – Transport
Events and.
Attractions -72
Change in expenditure compared with the previous year
The change for the week ending on the 2nd. The month of December ended:
Clothing and
Accessories -21
Travel and…
Transport -54% – Transport
Events and.
Attractions -72
Change in expenditure compared with the previous year
The change for the week ending on the 2nd. The month of December ended:
Clothing and
Components -21%.
Travel and…
Transport -54% – Transport
Events and.
Attractions -72
The cost of delivery to supermarkets has more than doubled in the past year and all major delivery services have shown growth in turnover. Meanwhile, high-end – mostly local – restaurants continue to struggle, although some restaurants are building outdoor dining facilities designed to attract customers, including IGLOOS with a single table.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Americans were stockpiling groceries, resulting in higher spending in supermarkets and online grocery stores. Towards the end of spring, interest in meal care kits also increased.
Clothing and personal care
After the initial downturn in the clothing sector, consumers are again investing more in sports and leisure clothing. And since a large proportion of office workers still work from home, the cost of work clothes and shoes remains low.
Active and
Sporting leisure activities 8.7
Professional and
Parade costume -46.8
Active and
Sporting leisure activities 8.7
Professional and
Parade costume -46.8
Active and
Sporting leisure activities 8.7
Professional and
Parade costume -46.8
Active and
Sporting leisure activities 8.7
Professional and
Parade costume -46.8
In the health and beauty sector, spending on salons and spas fell sharply this spring, as targeted personal assistance has come to a standstill.
Make-up and
Skin products 2.6
Make-up and
Skin products 2.6
Make-up and
Skin products 2.6
Make-up and
Skin products 2.6
Home maintenance
The Americans who stayed at home began to paint, repair and decorate. This trend has resulted in an increase in sales of home and garden products.
With the closure of movie theaters, concerts and other entertainment venues, Americans have turned to home entertainment such as video games and video streaming. However, purchases in bookshops have not kept pace.
Music and audio streaming 7.8
Music and audio streaming 7.8
Music and audio streaming 7.8
Music streaming
and audio 7.8
Department stores were struggling in the middle of the pandemic. Retailers were faced with collapses and an increase of Covid 19 cases across the country during the spring break shopping.
Overall, retailers have done better, with costs shifted to online retailers. But the turnover in local shops is half as high as last year.
Internet markets 14.2
Discount and
The dollar stands at 0.7%.
Convenience stores – 58.4
Internet markets 14.2
Discount and
The dollar stands at 0.7%.
Convenience stores – 58.4
Markets 14.2
Discount and
The dollar stands at 0.7%.
Shops – 58.4
Markets 14.2
Discount and
The dollar stands at 0.7%.
Shops – 58.4
-John Gould and Luis Santiago contributed to this article.
Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
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