Coronavirus: Russia resists lockdown and pins hopes on vaccine

Coronavirus: Russia resists lockdown and pins hopes on vaccine

Sarah Rainsford
News, Moscow

Images for the media This ice rink – one of five temporary hospitals in Moscow.

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Natalia Zendryayeva

If we get a vaccine that prevents people from getting the disease, it’s a big chance for all of us.

Natalia ShindryayevaChief Doctor of the Outpatient Clinic No. 2 south of Moscow

In a room at the end of the corridor Alexei rolled up his sleeve for the second of the two injections. The first one, three weeks earlier, had no adverse effects.

Our superiors asked us to participate, said an ambulance doctor who has been working on Covida cases since April. I’ve seen a lot of people get sick, and that’s not good, Alexei said. So I’d rather not.

Another volunteer in the queue stated that he was the only one willing to participate. The others are scared, he shrugs his shoulders.


Imaging captionMany physicians have been invited to voluntarily participate in studies on satellite V.

Dr. Skoda had no such reservations. He says he and seven of his colleagues have received injections and describes his later antibody levels as good.

Covid doesn’t go anywhere, he lives with us for the chief doctor’s reasons, inspects his ice hospital in front of the doctors in big white suits and breathing apparatus, and the patients are hooked on the oxygen tanks.

Despite the fact that you are confronted with the effects of the coronavirus every day, the doctor does not insist on a new blockade.

I don’t think we need harsher measures, but everyone should behave responsibly, he says, before being sprayed with disinfectant and leaving the red zone.

So this is the vaccine that will help us win.

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