Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Lab

Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan Lab

Wuhan is the second largest city in China and the capital of Hubei province. It is located in central China. The city is named after the Wuhan River, which is the primary river in the area. The city was the first capital of China (during the Qin Dynasty).

In the evening of March 9, 2015, the Wuhan National Laboratory for Disease Control and Prevention was sealed off by the police. Surveillance cameras were destroyed, and everyone on site was taken away. It was the beginning of a quarter-century-long mystery.


Dr. Anthony Fauci answers questions during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on the current federal response to the Covid 19 virus on May 11 at the United States Capitol.

Photo: Greg Nash – Pool via Cnp/Zuma Press Anthony Fauci. Emails exchanged in the early days of the pandemic have led to a flurry of accusations about masks and Dr. B.’s celebrity, but what’s really important is that some of these emails raise even more questions about the origin of Covid-19. As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Fauci disputed the theory that Covid-19 was created in a laboratory such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). After repeatedly dismissing the possibility, he openly declared it possible last month as the hypothesis gained popularity in media and scientific circles. Emails released in response to media requests for information indicate that Dr. Fauci has followed the debate over the origin of Covid-19 from the beginning. In the early 2020s, an immunologist Christian G. Andersen wrote to him that the virus had unusual characteristics that indicated laboratory manipulation. Mr. Andersen then published an article rejecting the lablek theory for lack of evidence. And Dr. Fauci has begun sharing articles advocating for natural origins, while offering advice to scientists writing on the subject. But there is no conclusive evidence of a zoonotic origin, and one might wonder why Dr. Fauci was so slow to acknowledge the possibility of a laboratory leak. They are of particular importance: In 2014-19, the National Institutes of Health awarded $3.4 million to HIW through the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. I wanted to personally thank you, on behalf of our staff and colleagues, for making your voice heard and stating that the scientific evidence supports natural origins, said the head of the EcoHealth Alliance. Peter Daschak. Dr. Fauci said in a partially redacted April 2020 email. Your comments are courageous and, thanks to your reliable voice, will help dispel myths about the origins of the virus. NIH resources have been spent studying bat coronaviruses, and it is likely that WIV has done research to improve their functions and make them more lethal or infectious. In a February 2020 email, Dr. Fauci sent his deputy Hugh Auchincloss. An article on gain-of-function research in coronaviruses. Read this paper, he commanded. Today, you have tasks to complete. His deputy commented to the paper, saying they were trying to determine if we had anything remotely to do with this overseas work. Dr. Fauci further explained that his organization did not fund the feature expansion study; EcoHealth Alliance funds would be used for sample collection. But I can’t guarantee everything that happens in the Wuhan lab, we can’t, Dr. Fauci told NewsNation Now on Wednesday. Dr. Fauci also said this week that his emails are really ripe to be taken out of context and that the full context is not really available. That could be true. However, this is an additional reason to examine the links between the U.S. and the WIV study and job growth. This question relates to the origin of Covid and the future risks and benefits of this research. The current Congress doesn’t seem interested, but the president ….. Biden could be facilitated by the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry, along the lines of the Robb-Silberman Commission on Intelligence Deficiencies prior to the Iraq War. This is not a partisan exercise in the style of Fauci. Understanding where the pandemic came from, what the authorities knew, and when they knew it, can provide valuable lessons and potentially save lives. Evidence that the coronavirus may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology has caught up with Fauci and the other Wuhan Covid deniers, although suspicions were clear from the start. Image: Johannes Eisele/AFP via Getty Images Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 Appeared in print at 4. June 2021.

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